IDE Academy – IDE Business Fair

IDE Academy

For IDE master students only

This year we are collaborating with IDE academy to give you the opportunity to gain 1 IDE academy point by following IDE Business Fair workshops and/or cases. It works as follows:

  1. You follow a minimum of 6 hours of inspiring workshops/cases (combining is possible ) for which you must individually enroll under the 'activities' menu .
    • A workshop is 2 hours, a lunch lecture 1 hour and a case is 4 hours. 
  2. Finally, you attend IDE Business Fair Activities Reflection workshop. More information on this soon.
  3. You get 1 IDE academy point!

The activities start now, and they will be spread throughout the whole week and will be until the fair itself on the 20th of March. You can find the whole program of activities under the 'activities' menu. It is updated regularly so keep an eye out! 

Contact us on for questions and follow us on Instagram @idebusinessfair to get the latest updates.

Hope to see you at our activities! And of course, also on the fair itself the 20th and 21st of March in the main hall!

We wish you many happy IDE academies!